- 把两根筷子放在大拇指和食指之间,接着固定一根而移动另一根,这样就可以使它们像钳子一样地活动了。
- Place both sticks between the thumb and the forefinger , then keep one still and move the other , so as to make them work like pincers .
- 通过螯和金属离子,提高了与金属层的附着力。
- Improve the adhesion with metal layer via pincers and metal ion .
- 同时,外圈钳形围攻的部队已经会师合围。
- In the meantime the outer pincers had met and closed .
- 不要喷到火里:如果不能移开烤架,就用钳子夹着毛巾纸擦拭烤架。
- Don 't spray into the fire ; if you can 't remove the rack , swab it with oil using wadded paper towels held with tongs .
- 一名喜欢用夹子的博客写手写道:“难道说,这么多年以来,我一直都是一个不懂规矩的厨师吗?”
- ' Have I been a disrespectful cook all these years ? ' Writes one blogger , who loves to use tongs .
- 每一块甲板都是木制的,所有的用具都是用来养殖牡蛎的:钳子,耙,一袋袋的牡蛎卵,镍网托盘。
- On each deck is a wooden shed and all the paraphernalia of oyster cultivation : tongs and rakes , mesh-bags of oyster spat , wire trays .
- 这自我的确是柄双刃剑。
- Self is actually a double-edged sword .
- 价格透明度是一把双刃剑。
- Price transparency is a double-edged sword .
- 但利率自由化是一柄双刃剑。
- But such liberalisation is a double-edged sword .
- 11月28日该公司说他们已对其“军刀”(sabre)引擎完成了一系列测试,这是一种火箭和喷气式飞机的高科技结合体。
- On november 28th it said it had completed a series of tests of its sabre engine , a high-tech hybrid of a rocket and a jet .
- 但是“军刀”已经通过了欧洲航天局(europeanspaceagency)的严格审查,他们并未发现任何大问题,并且在更多的地面测试中表现良好。
- But sabre has survived close scrutiny by the european space agency , which could find no show-stopping problems , and has performed well in extensive ground tests .
- 在低海拔和低速度(直到大约五倍音速),“军刀”靠一架强大的轻型喷气式引擎推动。
- At low altitudes and speeds ( up to about five times the speed of sound ) , sabre would operate as a powerful , lightweight form of jet engine .