- 但是你钻错了洞的话你一开枪就会把你自己的手爆飞。
- You drill the holes wrong and the gun will blow off your hand .
- 哈瓦斯安排了钻探工人在狮身人面像四周的基石上钻取了测试孔。
- Hawass arranged for workers to drill test holes in the bedrock around the sphinx .
- 钻探头穿过3000米厚的岩层将会触碰到2140米厚的盐层。
- Drill past 3000 metres of rock and you will hit a layer of salt 2140m thick .
- ellen耳垂上的钻石耳钉闪闪发光。
- Ellen 's ears glow with diamond earrings .
- 传言中的蓝色钻石仍然不知所踪。
- The fabled blue diamond is still missing .
- 一些黎巴嫩人也兼做些钻石走私。
- Some have sidelines in diamond smuggling too .
- 在我的印象中旋转是形状的象征。
- The auger remains in my mind as metaphor of form .
- 关键字:纳米材料;原子力显微镜;俄歇电子能谱;x射线光电子能谱;x射线衍射分析。
- Key words : nanometer material ; atomic force microscope ; auger electron spectroscopy ; x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ; x-ray diffraction .
- 为了找到这些问题的答案,该科研组整理了自皮埃尔奥杰宇宙线观测站三年前工作时收集的到的所有资料。
- To find answers to these questions , the team trawled through the data that have accumulated since the pierre auger observatory began operating three years ago .
- 再过一天就是市政厅大楼的82岁生日了,然而它依然是布里斯班这个皇冠上最耀眼的宝石。
- However , 82 years to the day later city hall is still the jewel in brisbane 's crown .
- 默多克帝国小报皇冠上的明珠《太阳报》(thesun),正受到严密的调查。
- The sun , the jewel in the empire 's tabloid crown , is under investigative siege .
- 前生中心网站那颗皇冠上的明珠就是“前生论坛”,这是互联网上开办时间最久和最大的专题讨论转世问题的论坛。
- The crown jewel of the past life center is the past life forum , the oldest and largest reincarnation discussion forum on the internet .