- 有些合金元素(如铬和钨)能细化钢的晶粒,从而增加钢的硬度和强度。
- Some alloying elements ( such as chromium and tungsten ) make the grain of steel finer , thus increasing the hardness and strength of steel .
- 钨和钒可以用来加强钢的强度,但它们的价格高昂。
- Vanadium and tungsten give strength to steel , but at great expense .
- 有些合金元素(如铬和钨)能细化钢的晶粒,从而增加钢的硬度和强度。
- Some alloying elements ( such as chromium and tungsten ) make the grain of steel finer , thus increasing the hardness and strength of steel .
- 1989年,印度最高法院命令美国联合碳化物公司支付4.7亿美元的赔偿金,而在博帕尔灾难发生时,该公司仅持有其印度分公司略高于一半的股权。
- India 's supreme court in 1989 ordered union carbide , which owned just over half of its indian offshoot at the time of the bhopal tragedy , to pay $ 470m in compensation .
- 他表示,陶氏化学没有参与博帕尔这家工厂的运营,同意收购联合碳化物公司之时,距离该公司了结诉讼已过去了10年,距离其出售印度业务也过去了5年。
- Dow had no involvement in running the bhopal plant and agreed to buy union carbide a decade after that company had settled its litigation and five years after it had sold its indian business , he said .
- 敦促政府加紧努力,以引渡沃伦安德森,现在是一个退休的88岁居住在美国某个地方,美国联合碳化物公司的老板,使用化学农药造成的灾难工厂老板。
- It urged the government to step up its efforts to extradite warren anderson , now a retired 88-year-old living somewhere in america , who was boss of union carbide , the american firm that owned the chemical-pesticides factory that caused the disaster .
- 有个方法能改善所有的卫生状况,那便是彻底改造厕所。
- A solution entails better sanitation for all ; that means reinventing the wc .
- 这位颇有上流社会意识的夫人写信给校长,询问有关厕所的问题。
- This , rather genteel lady wrote to the schoolmaster inquiring about the wc .
- 洗手间的手纸不见少,因为并不是每个人都能鼓足勇气上厕所的。
- As the quantity of the toilet paper remained the same , not many people were brave enough to use the wc .