- 一枚情人亲手编的蓍草簪子。
- A hand-made valentine 's achillea grass hairpin .
- 这发夹样的山茂木坚(班克木属)原产于澳大利亚东部。
- The hairpin banksia ( banksia spinulosa ) is native to eastern australia .
- 梦中的浮华雕梁,椽柱花房,人世官场,儿女情长,碧玉闺秀,玉面儿郎,十二玉钗绣鸳鸯,小人嘴脸,金马玉堂,一朝失意品暖凉。
- Dream buckish carved beams , rafters column hanabusa , the world officialdom , be immersed in love , jasper boudoir , jade powder lang , twelve jade hairpin embroidered mandarin ducks , small faces , imperial academy , a warm and cool down products .
- 这支名为"第一维也纳蔬菜乐队"以胡萝卜长笛、韭菜小提琴、芹菜鼓、茄子钹为特色。
- The first vienna vegetable orchestra features carrot flutes , leek violins , celery bongos and aubergine * cymbals .
- 锣鼓响得更厉害了,就像那条受了伤的龙在呼啸一样。
- The drums and cymbals roared more loudly , like the cries of a wounded dragon .
- 这样,以色列众人欢呼吹角、吹号、敲钹、鼓瑟、弹琴,大发响声,将耶和华的约柜抬上来。
- Thus all israel brought up the ark of the covenant of the lord with shouting , and with sound of the cornet , and with trumpets , and with cymbals , making a noise with psalteries and harps .
- 你好,我是新搬来的,这是我为邻居们做的.
- Hi , I 'm new here and this is some cheesecake I made for my neighbors .
- 嗨,我的名字是杰克,我很高,而且有一双蓝色的眼睛。
- Hi . My name is jack , I am tall and I have blue eyes .
- “你好,josh”我努力提高音调向他道个好。
- " Hi josh , " I said , trying to sound upbeat .