- 这三种贵金属的涨势能否持续?
- Are the gains in these three precious metals sustainable ?
- 世界同时在遗失知识,遗失那些最有用和弥足珍贵的品种。
- The world is losing knowledge , too , of the most useful and precious kinds .
- 我们往往忽视了这份宝贵的东西,因为它永恒吗,还是因为它的普通?
- We tend to neglect this precious thing , because it eternity , or because it 's common ?
- 哥本哈根就是一个很好的例子。
- Copenhagen is a fine example .
- 我们这有很多好女人。
- We have many fine women .
- 如果抵押贷款成了你唯一的信贷时,罚款。
- Fine , if a mortgage is the only credit you have .
- 支持者声称,市场定价并不总是有效,而排在指数成分股前10位的股票估价也不一定是最有吸引力的。
- Supporters claim that markets are not always priced efficiently and the top 10 stocks in an index are not necessarily the most attractively valued .
- 美国财政部说,39号办公室直接参与了2009年向朝鲜非法出口两艘豪华游艇供金正日使用的计划,这两艘游艇的估价为1500万美元。
- The treasury said office 39 was directly involved in a 2009 scheme to illegally export into north korea two luxury yachts valued at $ 15 million for kim jong il .
- 既然它们甚至不能在市场中(一个所谓的自由市场体系)定价,那么它们不得不根据模型进行估价。
- Thus they had to be valued according to models , since they could not even be priced in a market in a supposed free-market system .