- 那些耀眼的金色白色的外层哪里去了?
- Those shiny layers of white and gold ?
- 建议你使用白色的而非金色和银色的。
- Try the white before you go to gold or silver .
- 这金色就是神,也在我心里。
- This gold color is god , also inside me .
- 但问题不仅仅在于钱。
- But it is more than just money .
- 所有法定货币的长期价值都是零。
- The long-run value of all fiat money is zero .
- 金钱并不是我前进的动力。”
- Money is not a motivator for me . "
- 日本已开始储备稀有金属。
- Japan is already stockpiling obscure metals .
- 其他贵金属也出现了上涨。
- Other precious metals also gained .
- 五种金属的价格实际上都出现了下跌。
- Prices of all five metals fell in real terms .