They need flexible capital and a variety of capital types . They would welcome repayable grants and convertible debt .
Armed with hefty upfront loans ( repayable only once the recipients are earning reasonable wages ) , students will deliver their cash to courses that seem to offer value for money .
On june 30th the wto ruled on an american complaint that airbus received billions of euros in illegal subsidies that allowed it to snatch half the market for big passenger jets . It found that some government support to airbus , in the form of repayable " launch aid " , was illegal .
" In the case of advance freight , the person advancing the freight has an insurable interest , in so far as such freight is not repayable in case of loss . "
He said mr ahern had been told the two payments received in ireland in1993and1994did not create a tax liability " on the firm understanding that the monies were loans repayable with interest " .