- 老虎的温顺和美女的野性。
- The tiger docility and wild nature of the beautiful woman .
- 野性妹妹等你来驯服她。
- The wild nature younger sister waits to domesticate her coming you .
- 推动他驶入这些未遭破坏的河流的,仅仅只是喜爱与难耐的冲动,而且自从他第一次坐进小艇,拿起船桨,独处于渺无人烟的大自然之后,便再也没有什么事情能像这样令他迫不及待了。
- He was impelled to launch himself into unspoilt rivers simply out of love and compulsion , and because , ever since he had first sat in a kayak , picked up a paddle and found himself alone in wild nature , he didn 't want to do anything else quite as badly .
- 虽然她一直强调我应该走那种性感的,野性的路线。
- Even though she always emphasizes that I should make myself look ferity .
- 野蛮人的野性只是暗淡地标志着好人与情人所遇到的可怕的野蛮。
- The wildness of the savage is but a faint symbol of the awful ferity with which good men and lovers meet .
- 对,如果是野生的,不会让你浇煤油.
- Yeah , because if it 's untamed , it won 't take the kerosene as well .