- 这是落后者的酸葡萄心理吗?
- A case of sour grapes from a laggard ?
- 他们俩就像这样怀着旧,用酸味的新啤酒淹没着饥饿。
- And so they reminiscenced and drowned their hunger in the raw , sour wine .
- 甜味和酸味匹配高音,烟味和木头味匹配低音。
- Sweet and sour smells were rated as higher-pitched , smoky and woody ones as lower-pitched .
- 许多中老年顾客更多选择以喝樱桃汁、吃樱桃或买酸樱桃片的方式来减轻关节炎引起的疼痛,而不去买非处方药。
- Many middle-aged and elderly consumers are choosing to drink cherry juice , eating cherries or consuming tart cherry pills rather than take over-the-counter medications to stave off the pain of joint inflammation .
- 运动24小时后,喝了酸樱桃汁的那组运动员的肌肉功能恢复了90%,而对照组运动员的肌肉功能仅恢复了85%。
- Twenty-four hours after the workout , those drinking the tart cherry juice regained 90 percent of their muscle function , while the control group regained only 85 percent of muscle function .
- 一道菜可以是鲜美的、甜的、酸的或者咸的。
- A dish may be savory , sweet , tart or piquant .