- 这回你再也不会丢遥控器了吧!
- Never lose your remote again !
- 欧盟实行议会制是遥远无期的。
- The parliament is hopelessly remote .
- 这仍是一个遥远的前景。
- It remains a remote prospect .
- 但事实远没有这么简单。
- The reality is far murkier .
- 工资远远落后于通胀。
- Wages lag far behind inflation .
- surabhi还远远没成功。
- Surabhi is far from done .
- 从相隔较远的基地组织防御将十分困难。
- Defending them from distant bases would be difficult .
- 但这个愿景仍然很遥远。
- But this remains a distant prospect .
- 突然间,北极的融化已经离我们不远了。
- Suddenly , polar melting was no longer a distant prospect .
- 但事实远没有这么简单。
- The reality is far murkier .
- 工资远远落后于通胀。
- Wages lag far behind inflation .
- surabhi还远远没成功。
- Surabhi is far from done .
- 像navteq以及它的竞争对手teleatlas公司、微软等这样的公司,通常是通过地方政府或是制图组织等可靠的信息来源来制作他们的新地图。
- Companies such as navteq and its rivals , which include tele atlas and microsoft , always start a new map by going to trusted sources such as local governments or mapping organisations .
- 蒙古总统那木巴尔恩赫巴亚尔(nambarynenkhbayar)周二晚些时候宣布,首都进入为期4天的紧急状态,其间禁止集会游行,晚10点至早8点实行宵禁,所有非国有电视台和广播电台暂停播放节目。
- Nambaryn enkhbayar , mongolia 's president , said late on tuesday that the four-day state of emergency banned demonstrations , imposed a 10pm-8am curfew and suspended the operations of all non-state tele - vision and radio stations .
- 诺西今天宣布与巴西固网和移动的运营商telenortelestepartricipacoessa签订了为期5年,价值11亿欧元(15.5亿美元)的托管服务合同,这更像是要重点强调服务部门的发展潜力。
- And as if to highlight the services division 's ongoing potential , nsn today announced a new five-year managed services deal with brazilian fixed and mobile carrier tele norte leste partricipacoes sa ( better known as oi ) worth 1.1 billion ( $ 1.55 billion ) .