- 消费者放弃相对昂贵的中间商转向电子交易。
- Consumers can abandon expensive middlemen for electronic commerce .
- 在中期内,它可能会导致政客抛弃财政纪律。
- In the medium term it could encourage politicians to abandon fiscal discipline .
- 抛弃历史,一个民族在面对未来时将处于不利的境地。
- Abandon it , and a nation is poorly placed for whatever lies ahead .
- 世间有不少的人为了家庭抛弃朋友,至少也会在家庭和朋友之间划一个界限,把家庭看得比朋友重过若干倍。
- Many people forsake their friends in favor of their own families , or at least draw l line of demarcation between families and friends , considering the former to be many times more important than the latter .
- 在拉斯维加斯的一家酒店中,在一个简短的仪式上,在一群身穿紧身亮片长裙的女小提琴手演奏的小夜曲中,法国电影罗杰瓦迪姆同意舍弃其他女子,永远只珍惜她一人。
- At a short ceremony in a las vegas hotel , serenaded by a bevy of female violinists in skin-tight , sequined dresses , the french film director roger vadim agreed to forsake all others and cherish her for ever .
- 在欧盟和投资者再度担忧意大利放弃改革之际,中间立场的政界人士纷纷敦促现任总理参选。
- Amid revived concern in brussels and among investors that italy could forsake the reforms , centrist politicians were encouraging the prime minister to stand as a candidate .
- 你会将这本杂志扔到废纸篓里去。
- You would throw the magazine in the wastebasket .
- 要想能感觉到在你的代码中哪个位置进行抛错比较合适,这需要一些时间。
- It takes time to feel out where the appropriate parts of your code should throw errors .
- 我的几个儿子爱扔东西。
- My boys love to throw things .