- 但是,约6%的gdp仍低于过去三十年来全球用于解决金融危机的平均成本,据国际货币基金组织(imf)的luclaeven和fabianvalencia的研究估计平均成本为16%的gdp。
- But some 6 % of gdp is still much less than the average cost of resolving banking crises around the world in the past three decades , which a study by luc laeven and fabian valencia , of the imf , puts at 16 % .
- 因为人是不可能活在过去的世界里的。
- Because the person lives in the inside of the past world impossibly .
- 但是发达国家有一个明智的选择:从过去的失误中学习,或是看着利维坦公司成为一个真正的怪兽。
- But the rich world has a clear choice : learn from the mistakes of the past , or else watch leviathan inc grow into a true monster .