- 你抓住了一个,然后看着它远去。
- You catch one and see where it goes .
- 在被投射抓住之前,我们就有更多的时间?
- Then the longer we have before the projections catch us ?
- 记住在圣诞节的时候,要在槲寄生树下抓住个人。
- Remember that next time you catch somebody under the mistletoe at christmas .
- 碳捕获和隔离技术仍处于不成熟的阶段。
- Carbon capture and sequestration is still at a very early stage .
- 你也许会为自己所创造捕捉的镜头而大吃一惊!
- You may surprise yourself with what you can create and capture !
- 但是碳捕获技术必须应用到天然气发电厂上。
- But carbon capture must also be applied to gas power plants .
- 其他人已经迅速对此次逮捕给予谴责。
- Others have been quick to condemn the arrest .
- 商界领袖们不可能去怒斥、解雇或拘捕子虚乌有的市场先生。
- Leaders cannot shout down , fire or arrest the non-existent mr market .
- 在油价处于低位时,更难以推动旨在阻止产量下滑的投资。
- Making the kinds of investments to arrest decline is more difficult when prices are low .
- 我对走进d厅受那些罪犯的摆布心怀忧惧。
- I dreaded going over to d hall to be manipulated by prisoners .
- 你知道你的身体需要胆固醇来利用阳光合成维生素d吗?
- Did you know that your body needs cholesterol to synthesize sunlight into vitamin d ?
- 人体要吸收钙,还需要摄取充足的维生素d。
- People also need sufficient levels of vitamin d to absorb the calcium .
- 我每天按计划进行了吗?
- Did my day go as planned ?
- 阴影可以用来辨识白天的时间。
- Shadows can indicate the time of day .
- 毕业是高兴的日子。
- Graduation is a happy day .