- 让我弥补它吧。
- Let 's me make up to you .
- 在暑期旺季,包括加班费在内,工人一月能赚约240英镑,但在淡季每月收入就降到140英镑了。
- During the peak summer season workers could make up to 240 a month including overtime but that falls to 140 during low season .
- 我什么东西也不缺不必让它帮我猎取什么动物也不能做我的同伴帮我干什么事但求能与它说说话可就连这一点它都办不到。
- I wanted nothing that he could fetch me nor any company that he could make up to me I only wanted to have him talk to me but that would not do .
- 即使你打我,我也会摇尾讨好你。
- Beat me I will fawn on you .
- 如果你是敌人,却又为什么摇着尾巴讨好我呢?
- If an enemy why do you fawn on me ?
- 他有狷介之气,绝对不会刻意讨好上司。
- He is upright and would never fawn on his boss deliberately .