- 最新的令人不愉快的挫折发生在9月21号,那天bumi的股份跌了近20%。
- The latest nasty lurch came on september 21st , when bumi 's shares fell by over 20 % .
- 世界又开始跌跌撞撞地走向金融危机,上一次出现这种形势还是在雷曼兄弟(lehmanbrothers)倒闭后的那几个月。
- The world has started to lurch back towards financial crisis , for the first time since the months immediately after lehman brothers collapsed .
- 如若不然,我们将在不同的危机之间蹒跚前行,而灾难规模也将越来越大。
- Otherwise , we 'll lurch from crisis to crisis - and the crises will get bigger and bigger .