- 许多船厂工人已经失业,另一些人的饭碗也摇摇欲坠。
- Many shipyard workers have already lost their jobs . Others see unemployment looming .
- 纽波特纽斯拥有美国唯一一个能够建造核动力航空母舰的船厂。
- The only shipyard in the country that builds nuclear aircraft-carriers is in newport news .
- 现在,船厂已经找到了新的出路:制造海上风力涡轮发电机。
- Today the shipyard has found a new role building offshore wind turbines .
- 在这种时期,占主导地位的通常是上海,香港则重新成为由造船业和珠江转船运输行业融资的赛马场。
- At such times , it has generally been shanghai that dominated , while hong kong reverted to being a racetrack funded by dockyard work and pearl river transhipment .
- 小狄更生在他的第一个家只待了五个月,之后全家搬到了造船厂附近一间很简陋的房子,他的父亲约翰在那里当办事员。
- The infant charles was in his first house for only five months before the family moved to a more humble lodging near the dockyard , where his father john was a clerk .
- 福州船政局是近代洋务派兴办的规模最大、门类最全、成效最显著的造船厂。
- Foochow dockyard is the biggest , most complete and most remarkable dockyard that the yang wu group has set up .
- 当泰坦尼克号还在贝尔法斯特的船厂里组装的时候,杜邦酒店也拔地而起,竖立在威名顿镇上。
- The hotel dupont was erected in downtown wilmington during the years when the titanic was being nailed together in the shipyards of belfast .
- 当该银行从核心业务(交易汇票)向外扩张进入到如船厂等风险更高的投资领域时,问题就发生了。
- The bank 's troubles began when it expanded from its core business ( trading bills of exchange ) and moved into riskier investments such as shipyards .
- 奇怪的是,在过去30年和亚洲低成本风暴竞争后,欧洲的船厂似乎要面对一个稍微光明点的前景。
- Oddly , europe 's shipyards , although still storm-lashed after 30 years of low-cost competition from asia , seem to face a slightly brighter horizon .