- 明年美国即使仅仅保持当前不太大的增长速度也已勉为其难。
- America will struggle to maintain even its current modest pace of growth next year .
- 不过,她谦虚的举止掩饰了她的成功。
- Yet her modest manner belies her success .
- 资本流入控制是适度的。
- The capital-inflow controls are modest .
- 理查森博士关于女性在太空中不是最开明的的观点也许并不令人惊奇。
- Perhaps unsurprisingly , dr. richardson 's views on women in space aren 't the most enlightened .
- 罗伯特理查德森,这位美国凝聚态物理学家和诺贝尔奖得主在75岁高龄因为心脏病相关并发症去世了。
- The american condensed-matter physicist and nobel laureate robert richardson has died at the age of 75 from complications related to a heart attack .
- 理查德森从1968年起以康内尔大学做研究基地,终于与他以前的博士学生道格拉斯奥谢拉夫和康奈尔的李大卫共同获得了1996年度的诺贝尔物理学奖。
- Based at cornell university since 1968 , richardson shared the 1996 nobel prize for physics with his former phd student douglas osheroff and cornell 's david lee .
- 卢拉没有赢得纳尔逊曼德拉(nelsonmandela)那样高的国际声望和尘世圣徒般的地位。
- Lula has not quite achieved the global renown and secular sainthood of nelson mandela .
- 这四个人是由纳尔逊曼德拉创立的国家元首组成的独立组织“长老会”的成员。
- The four are members of the elders , an independent group of world leaders founded by nelson mandela .
- 纳尔逊曼德拉获释后在约翰内斯堡发表了他的第一次讲话,讲话的地点就在这个现在被命名为足球城的体育场。
- After his release from prison , nelson mandela gave his first speech in johannesburg in the stadium now named soccer city .