- 最后,定义一个getter方法来给用户返回当前的计数器值,以及定义一个setter方法来把调用者提供的值设置当前的计数器值。
- Finally , you define a getter method that returns the current counter value to the user and a setter method that sets the current counter value with one provided by the caller .
- 硅藻土中逆流渗吸工艺的研究。
- An investigation of counter-current imbibition processes in diatomite .
- 最后,定义一个getter方法来给用户返回当前的计数器值,以及定义一个setter方法来把调用者提供的值设置当前的计数器值。
- Finally , you define a getter method that returns the current counter value to the user and a setter method that sets the current counter value with one provided by the caller .
- 一条狭长的小舟正在逆流奋进。
- A narrow boat strenuously moving upstream .
- 法国燃气苏伊士集团的上游业务主要集中在天然气领域。
- Gdf suez 's upstream business is largely focused on gas .
- 也不意味着仅仅因为你主观反对权威就盲目的“逆流而上”。
- It doesn 't mean swimming upstream blindly , just because you want to revolt against authority .