- 不幸的是,没有合适的地方可以提供了。
- Alas , no suitable place is available .
- 例如,现在的城市和农村阻碍了不少物种的迁徙通道,否则它们或许能够找到更合适的栖息地。
- Cities and farms now block the path for many species that might otherwise be able to spread to more suitable habitats , for example .
- 在一些国家,或由于其落后的交通设施,或缺乏合适的耕地,几乎没有其他价格的农产品可供选择。
- In some countries , there might be little alternative supply at any price , due to poor transport infrastructure or a lack of suitable agricultural land .
- 他们很可能应该相信他。
- They could well believe him .
- 这对下一代很难有好的启示。
- This rarely bodes well for the next generation .
- 他们都有很好的组织性和不错的储备。
- They are well organised and well funded .
- 这不是正当的挑战手段。
- This is not a proper challenge .
- 从这个单元里找出正确的单词。
- C. find the proper words in this unit .
- 任何新的框架都有赖于正确的执行。
- Any new framework hinges on proper enforcement .
- 关税壁垒仍是一个问题,不过更严重的问题是普遍存在的非关税壁垒。
- Tariff barriers are still a problem , but more serious are pervasive non-tariff barriers .
- 如何适应的决定要在普遍的不确定中作出。
- Decisions about adaptation will be made in conditions of pervasive uncertainty .
- 对企业和银行的调查显示没有任何普遍的信用紧缩。
- Surveys of businesses and banks have shown no pervasive tightening of credit .
- 这只小鸡没有通过健康测试。
- This one failed fitness test .
- 它对认知健康同样重要。
- It is essential to cognitive fitness .
- 但这不只是健康问题。
- But it 's not just fitness .