- 悉尼歌剧院俯视港口,犹如一座拥有圆形天顶和曲线外形的雕塑。
- Overlooking the harbor , the opera house is a freestanding sculpture of spherical roofs and curved shapes .
- 雕塑般的石头浴盆矗立在悬挑的玻璃盒子的边沿,俯视着下面的水池和花园。
- The sculpted stone bathtub sits at the edge of the cantilevered box overlooking the pool and garden below .
- 我正坐在一条长椅上等我的联系人,俯视着位于索伦托和模糊的阿卡迪亚国家公园山脉之间的这个恬静的港口。
- I am awaiting my contact on a bench overlooking the placid bay between sorrento and the hazy mountains of acadia national park .