- 盖斯特博士说,一旦镜片有了刮痕,“就没有办法除去”。
- Once lenses are scraped up , ' there is no way to buff that scratch out , ' says dr. geist .
- 这些努力不歇的小生物没有出路,只有当电池耗尽了才能休息。
- There is no way out for these unflagging little creatures ; only the dwindling of their batteries can provide rest .
- 但面对社会经济和科技发展所急需的开拓型、创新型、复合型人才,过去那种把传授知识和继承知识作为唯一目标的传统物理教学思想和教学模式就显得力不从心了,所以物理教学改革势在必行。
- Facing the want for exploiting , creativity and compound person to meet the need of development of economics and technology , the traditional teaching model in physics class is out of date because of only aim at mastering and inheriting knowledge . In all there is no way-out if we reform the present physics education .