- 因此,市场经济是一个利润和亏损的经济,商人企业家的敏锐洞察和能力通过他们获得的利润和亏损来衡量。
- The market economy , then , is a profit-and-loss economy , in which the acumen and ability of business entrepreneurs is gauged by the profits and losses they reap .
- 在盈利还是亏损的问题上,将羊毛保存在温方房里培养六个月并没有能说明什么,但是卢西亚诺巴贝拉的工艺永远也成为不了制造业一夜暴富的指南。
- As a matter of profit and loss it doesn 't make sense to store wool in a spa and let it convalesce for six months but the methods of luciano barbera were never destined for a get-rich-quick guide to manufacturing .
- 因此租赁人除了要提供今后若年的预算计划,还要提供过去三年的资产负债表和损益账目清单。
- The lessee will , therefore , be asked to submit his balance sheet and his profit and his profit and loss accounts for the past three years , in addition to his budget plans for the years to come .