- 他因第一个到公司却最后一个离开以及他那令人难以忍受的国际旅行安排而出名,当他不工作的时候他喜欢去体育馆,或者去徒步旅行,或者骑自行车。
- He 's known for being the first in and last out of the office and for his grinding international travel schedule , and when he isn 't working he tends to be in the gym , on a hiking trail , or riding his bike .
- 经由精一的冥想于现行的身体和宇宙之间,则超越物质世界(三界),而使游行于空间的能力增长。
- By one-pointed meditation upon the relationship existing between the body and the kasha , ascension out of matter ( the three worlds ) and power to travel in space is gained .
- 然后白雪从棺材里出来坐进了一辆马车和王子一起出发了,而且国王也非常开心他儿子的选择,婚礼很快举行了,非常的盛大而豪华。
- Then was snow-white taken out of the coffin and placed in a carriage to travel with the prince , and the king was so pleased with his son 's choice that the marriage was soon after celebrated with great pomp and magnificence .