- 还有心理上的训练。
- The training was also mental .
- 远期价格同样高企。
- Forward prices are also high .
- 教会领袖同样深表忧虑。
- Church leaders are also concerned .
- 消费者仍然在控制支出。
- Consumers are still cutting back .
- 你现在还有幻觉吗?
- Do you still have hallucinations ?
- 这些尝试还有必要吗?
- Are these efforts still needed ?
- 即便在大选期间也是如此。
- Even in a political season .
- 现在连制药公司也加入。
- Even drug companies are involved .
- 但即便是这样,仍有半数认罪。
- Even so , half still confessed .
- 但是其目的尚不得而知。
- Yet its purpose remains elusive .
- 然后政府看上去却不慌不忙。
- Yet the government seems relaxed .
- 他们现在还没有窒息。
- They are not choking yet .