- 现在我要重新思考接下来的第101次光芒的爆炸了。
- And now I 'll return to the burst of light for the 101st time .
- 最后你们被困在你们自己的创作中,但是从未失去你们的上帝火花,当你们返回光的时候,它是你们的脚蹬。
- You eventually became trapped in your own creations , but never lost your god spark and it has been your footstool as you return to the light .
- 根据这项协议,平壤冻结了核武器计划,以换取粮食、石油和帮助建设民用轻水反应堆。
- Under that deal , pyongyang froze its nuclear weapons programme in return for food , oil and help with a civilian light-water reactor .