- 申请人(收用货单位或货代公司)在货物出关后两周内向各直属检验检。
- Applicants ( consignee or freight forwarding company ) shall conduct charge off procedures at each local inspection and quarantine bureau within two weeks after the exportation of goods from the customs .
- 第65条运送人或船长发见未经报明之货物,得在装载港将其起岸,或使支付同一航程同种货物应付最高额之运费,如有损害并得请求赔偿。
- Article 65 the carrier or shipmaster found any cargo aboard without declaration may unload them at the loading port , or charge the freight at the highest rate on the same kind of cargo under the same voyage , and may also claim damages , if any .
- 但wilson仍警告发货人不要对协商更好的运费抱过分乐观态度。
- But wilson warns that shippers should not get too comfortable with these bargain freight rates .
- 因为世界上的工厂大多是在其它地方,所以美国棉花产业面临着运费沉重的问题。
- As most of the world 's mills are elsewhere , american cotton faces heavy freight charges .
- tmt异常严重地参与了远期运费协议(ffa)市场,以调整未来的货运成本。
- Tmt is unusually heavily involved in the paper forward freight agreement ( ffa ) market for future freight costs .