- 将来的发展是循环回收现已被淘汰的凸版印刷。
- In development is a mission to up-cycle the now obsolete letterpress .
- 由于这种航空器的速度极为有限因此它将很快被淘汰。
- The aircraft speed is limited . As a result it will soon become obsolete .
- 如果这些山寨版够好用的话,那海盗党自身就会遭到淘汰。
- If the copies are good enough , the pirates themselves may become obsolete .
- 当你有新的联络方式的时候它就会完全过时了,就像互联网。
- It is completely outmoded when you have new forms of connection , like the internet .
- 这是荒唐的,过时的,基于对于原始的人类行为而产生的理论。
- This is absurd , outmoded and based on a primitive understanding of human behavior .
- 当然,欧洲的理想主义者可能会辩称,国家主权丧失的说法已经过时了。
- Of course , european idealists would argue that talk of a loss of national sovereignty is outmoded .
- 强行要求这些企业符合过时的隐私体制将既不利于公司也损害其用户的利益。
- Shoehorning such firms into antiquated privacy frameworks will not benefit either them or their users .
- 或者对陈旧的失业保险制度以及职工培训计划进行整修让更多企业参与其中呢?
- Or an overhaul of the antiquated unemployment-insurance scheme and worker-training programmes that gets business more involved ?
- 奥巴马也许能从荷兰和丹麦在修复陈旧的就业系统和增加就业培训上的政策中得到有用的东西。
- Mr obama could usefully look to the netherlands and denmark for ideas on how to overhaul an antiquated unemployment system and improve its training schemes .