- 受害者对虐待有极度轻视的倾向。
- Victims tend to minimize the abuse .
- 滥用将会是一个问题。
- Abuse would be a further problem .
- 路德维希显然看到了虐待儿童的蛛丝马迹。
- Ludwig evidently sees evidence of child abuse .
- 那又有什么区别?你分明知道他要骂的是我。而我是你的妻子,对不对?
- Herodias what does that matter ? You know well that it is I whom he seeks to revile . And I am your wife , am I not ?
- 一只小山羊站在高高的屋顶上,看见一只狼从下面经过,便开始谩骂嘲笑他。
- A kid being mounted on the roof of a lofty house , and seeing a wolf pass below , began to revile him .
- 你听见他攻击我的话了吗?你居然容忍他谩骂你的妻子!
- Herodias you hear what he says against me ? You suffer him to revile her who is your wife !
- 一直以来,美国人都认为财富是用来崇拜和追求,而不是用来诋毁和重新分配的。
- Americans have long considered wealth something to admire and pursue , not vilify and redistribute .
- 但舒默在华尔街也得到强有力的支持,他也经常公开为华尔街的利益说话,并拒绝评论华尔街的抗议活动,也拒绝使用“民粹主义”一词,并说民主党人必须谨慎行事,不要丑化富人。
- But he enjoys strong backing from wall street , has often spoken out for their interests , and wouldn 't comment on the protests on wall street . He rejects the term ' populist ' and says democrats must be careful not to vilify the rich .
- 一群毛主义网站经常恶毒诽谤茅先生这样的知识分子。
- A clutch of maoist websites frequently vilify intellectuals such as mr mao .