- 我该如何阻止他们?
- How do I stop them ?
- 你得停止这样做!
- You have to stop this !
- 现在谁能阻止金正日?
- Who can stop him now ?
- 薪资上涨的趋势将何时结束?
- When will the pay ratchet cease ?
- 今年和明年我们会停发常规形式的奖金。
- This year and next conventional bonuses will cease .
- 如同她的倾听者一般,谢赫拉莎德也同样融入虚构的世界,因此奇迹从未消停。
- Like her listeners , she is sentenced to fiction , and the wonders never cease .
- 尸体至少膨胀了一倍以上.
- Swells up toat least twice its size .
- 在院子里和你说话的人是谁?
- Who was that guy you were talking toat the yard ?
- 另外,谷歌计划选择一个或多个城市,以有竞争力的价格为至少5万甚至潜在的50万人提供千兆服务。
- Separately , google plans to select one or several citieswhere it will offer gigabit service at what it calls " a competitive price " toat least 50000 , and potentially 5 00000 , people .