- 超级美眉曼妙胴体内衣诱惑。
- The carcass of super pretty girl lithe and graceful underwear is lured .
- 靠着他引以为傲的“靴子形”长满老茧的脚,只见肢体轻盈,面带笑容的他像一名舞者在裸露的岩石上移来跳去,像个孩子一般无所畏惧。
- Lithe and smiling , proud of his " boot-shaped " and blister-proof feet , he moved on exposed rock faces with the grace of a dancer and the fearlessness of a boy .
- 沃勒以婚外情为切入口,展览许多人情意生存的深度和曼妙境界,真可以说视角胆量大独有特别。
- Waller related to an affair , exhibition many people the depth and lithe and graceful love existence state , really can say angle unique courage big special .