- 软件版权和专利的适用性,商业方法的专利性,商标在付费排名搜索广告的非管制滥用是争论的主要焦点。
- The applicability of copyright and patent law to software , the patentability of business methods , and the unregulated use of trademarks in paid placement search advertising are also major points of contention .
- 那么,保护作品的著作权法用来保护软件就产生性质矛盾而受到质疑,与此同时专利法、商标法等保护软件的可能性被提上了日程。
- Therefore , when copyright law usually protecting works is invoked to protect software , the impugnation is rising from attributive contradiction . Against this condition , that other methods such as patent law ; mark law protect software will be feasible .
- 未经软件著作权人或者其合法受让者的同意向任何第三方办理其软件的许可使用或者转让事宜。
- Effecting the licensing or transfer of software to a third party without the permission of the software copyright owner or his legal transferee .