- 飞起的香槟软木塞或者弹起的橡皮筋都可能是祸首。
- All it takes is a flying champagne cork or a shooting rubber band .
- 电梯门打开了,我像软木塞一样蹦出电梯。
- The doors opened and I just popped out of there like a cork .
- 它可以通过受污染的软木、木桶或托板进入葡萄酒,从而造成瓶内的葡萄酒不可饮用。
- It can get into wine through contaminated cork , tainted barrels or pallets and render bottles undrinkable .
- 如果你想成为一名更棒的故事讲述者,加州大学洛杉矶分校电影学院的霍华德苏伯认为,你应该记住“然而”这个词以及相应的主题“事情其实不是它表面看上去的那样”。
- If you want to become a better storyteller , ucla film school howard suber says you should keep in mind the word " but " and the theme that " things are not what they seem . "
- 她听到房里传出拔瓶塞发出的欢快的啪啪声。
- She heard the cheering sound of popping corks from within the room .
- 佳士得的报告称,这些酒就连瓶塞都是原装的,虽然加上了新的标签和金属瓶盖。
- Christie 's reports that the corks are all original although the wines have been pristine new labels and capsules .
- 另一种把戏则是贿赂一个高档餐厅的侍酒师,让他将盛过好酒的空瓶子连带软木塞一起交出。
- Another trick is to bribe the sommelier of a fancy restaurant to pass on empty bottles that once held expensive wine , along with the corks .