- 使用舒适柔软的床单和被子。
- Use comfortable soft sheets and comforter .
- 它们真的很柔软很可爱。
- That 's really soft and lovely .
- 他变得柔软一副绅士腔调。
- He had a soft and gentle touch .
- 我现在转变为弹性工作。
- I am converted to flexible work .
- 保持你的计划表的弹性。
- Be flexible with your schedule .
- 经济已经处于灵活可变的状态。
- The economy is already flexible .
- 总统显得虚弱但仍然机警。
- The president looked weak but alert .
- 董事会软弱无能甚至根本不存在。
- Boards are weak and disorganised .
- 民运的同盟者看起来也很虚弱。
- The mdc 's allies look weak too .
- 他们的锻炼是零星而温和的。
- Exercise was sporadic and mild .
- 接下来只有几个较为温和的问题。
- Only a few more mild questions followed .
- 虽然很多国家有轻微的通货紧缩,投资者还是很焦虑。
- Although many countries are experiencing mild deflation , investors fret .