- 古罗马大学者西塞罗和希腊诗人品达都提到过命运之轮。
- Roman scholar cicero and the greek poet pindar both reference the wheel of fortune .
- 你就如同一个被放在轮子里的仓鼠一样。
- You 'll end up like a hamster on a never-ending wheel .
- 陀螺就是一个可以自由旋转的转动着的轮子。
- A gyroscope is just a spinning wheel that is free to rotate .
- 朱蒂.史密斯喜欢钥匙环。
- Judy smith likes the key ring .
- 钱会买到戒指,但不是婚姻。
- A ring but not a marriage .
- 我的主人巴萨尼奥也将戒指送人了。
- My lord bassanio gave his ring away .
- 木制机身架在木制轮子上,裹上铁皮做座椅。
- The wood frame rode on wood wheels wrapped with iron bands .
- 轮子是一种原始穴居技术水平的原型。
- Wheels are the archetype of a primitive , caveman-level technology .
- 当不需要跳起来的是时候,它可以一直滚动轮子前进。
- It then rolls along on wheels until it needs to jump again .
- 这个循环可以中断吗?
- Can this cycle be interrupted ?
- 可是却又继续了刚刚的循环。
- And so the cycle continued .
- 因此,这种循环仍在延续。
- And so the cycle goes on .