- 曾是德国的军用车辆。
- It was a german military vehicle .
- 最适合当地路况的车辆。
- The best vehicle for local roads .
- 这部车是用来移动列车的。
- This vehicle is used to move trains .
- 换句话说,这场选举就是一位普通的共和党人对上了机械的的民主党人。
- In other words , the campaign pitted a generic republican against a machine democrat .
- 遗憾的是,这样的计算机还远非触手可及。
- Unfortunately , such a machine is not in the offing .
- 直升机能够盘旋和随处着陆的能力使它成为一种极为有用的飞机。
- The ability of a helicopter to hover and land almost anywhere makes it an enormously useful machine .
- 恐怕卢克现在不能接听你的电话了.
- I 'm afraid rook can 't come to the phone right now .
- 喂,卢克!那些神像已经卸下车了.
- Hey , rook ! We got the statues off the truck .
- 一些队伍用视觉系统定位棋子,但无法区分哪个是车哪个是马,因此他们依靠记住各个棋子的位置来区分它们,再以此来下棋。
- Some teams used vision systems to identify where pieces were , but none attempted to distinguish between a rook and a knight , for example .