- 美国总统奥巴马的高级经济顾问称尽管正不断好转,美国经济要真正恢复的话还有一条很长的路要走。
- U.s. president barack obama 's top economic advisor says while the economy is getting better , it faces a long road to recovery .
- 花好月圆之夜,你们各自走过漫漫长路,觉得日子寂寞而又温情跌宕。
- Perfect conjugal bliss night , you pass through a long road , feel the day is loneliness and warmth .
- 从这儿再往前,这条漫长的道路就有一段比较平坦。
- From hereabout the long road was fairly level for some distance onward .