- 跟踪系统调用和信号。
- Trace system calls and signals .
- 它可以跟踪,地区、行业和职业之间的变化。
- It can trace shifts between regions , sectors and occupations .
- 当你这么考虑问题时,追踪什么就会有很多不同的选择。
- When you consider this , there are several different options for what to trace .
- 每个人都会留下足迹。
- Every person leaves a footprint .
- 多亏于其windows和office产品,微软才能在此留下巨大脚印。
- Microsoft has a big footprint here thanks to its windows and office products .
- 它们由地上的一个洞、两边的一对脚印组成。
- They generally consist of a hole in the ground with a footprint on either side .
- 信用卡跟踪我的消费。
- Credit cards track my spending .
- 有轨电车需要专用轨道。
- A tram requires a dedicated track .
- 动量能使整个经济结构偏离轨道。
- Momentum can carry whole economies off track .
- 这正是rahmemanuel对布鲁明戴尔小径和公园的展望。
- That 's what rahm emanuel is envisioning for the bloomingdale trail and park .
- 有好几里的距离小径从美丽的树林里穿过,一切都很顺利。
- For many miles the trail wound uphill through pleasant woods , and all went well .
- 沿着科尔克里克小径,通过高山草甸,他们俯瞰着由冰川淤泥所照亮的河流。
- They follow little coal creek trail through alpine meadows overlooking a river bright with glacial silt .