- 一个人能跳多高?
- How high can a man jump ?
- 从供应曲线上面跳下去吧!
- Go jump off a supply curve !
- 在游乐场时,我和孩子肆意攀爬跳跃。
- We climb and jump around in the playground .
- 跳跃仪式的起源不是很清楚,可能融合了异教徒的传统----但这已在1100年开始流传至今。
- The hopping procession 's origins are murky -- it may have been adapted from pagan tradition -- but it has been going on since 1100 .
- 这和不可避免的从这个世纪到那个世纪,从这个国家到那个国家的跳跃,是这本书的某些地方看起来凌乱无序。
- This , and the inevitable hopping from country to country or century to century , give the book an untidy air in places .
- 许多有才能的女性业已跳离原本公司的工作,建立自己的公司,这能更好的满足她们的需求。
- Many talented women are already hopping off the corporate treadmill to form companies that better meet their needs .