- 机组人员使用了紧急滑梯将乘客疏散到跑道上。
- The crew deployed emergency slides to evacuate passengers on the runway .
- baa想通过建设西斯罗第三条飞机跑道解决这个问题。
- Baa wants to solve the problem by building a third runway at heathrow .
- 这正是香港机场想要修建第三条跑道所面临的情况。
- This is the situation with hong kong 's desire to build a third airport runway .
- 信用卡跟踪我的消费。
- Credit cards track my spending .
- 有轨电车需要专用轨道。
- A tram requires a dedicated track .
- 动量能使整个经济结构偏离轨道。
- Momentum can carry whole economies off track .