- 逾期未通知的自收到申请材料之日起,应视为受理。
- Overdue notification , since the date of receipt of the application materials shall be deemed admissible .
- 但是这一切姗姗来迟:我的魔术界同行试着通过与科学家们联合起来在消灭伪科学中扮演更活跃的角色,而科学家们要接受这样的定位。
- But it is long overdue that my peers in the conjuring profession try to take a more active role in the elimination of nonsense science by joining forces with scientists , and that scientists be open to the proposition .
- 所以最近失业率的下降有可能仅仅是延迟性的数据修正。
- So some of the latest drop may simply be an overdue statistical correction .