- 大雁也开始‘‘收拾包袱’’准备飞向遥远的南方去了,大雁在空中飞行的绝招,无人不拍手叫绝。
- Dayan also began to pack up and move ' ' ' 'ready to go fly far south , and geese flying in the air , a unique skill , no one does not clap wow .
- 我手下的一些准尉与士官飞行员参加了评估,被挑选出来在160特遣队中执行飞行任务,他们现在还在那里。
- Some of my warrant officer aviators and ncos were assessed and were selected to go fly in the 160th , and they 're flying in the 160th today .
- 我手下的一些准尉与士官飞行员参加了评估,被挑选出来在160特遣队中执行飞行任务,他们现在还在那里。
- Some of my warrant officer aviators and ncos were assessed and were selected to go fly in the 160th , and they 're flying in the 160th today .