- 他只是在依靠自己的天赋。
- He just relied on his gift .
- 语言是人类的一种奇特的天赋。
- Language is a uniquely human gift .
- 安格拉默克尔有一种极为罕见的天赋。
- Angela merkel possesses a rare gift .
- 建筑企业更青睐年轻单身男性。
- Construction firms favour young single men .
- 连股东们也似乎支持苏格兰皇家银行。
- Even shareholders seemed to favour rbs .
- 使船只更环保的压力也将有利于欧洲造船业。
- Pressure to make ships greener will also favour european shipyards .
- 123接受美国能源部拨款,是根据2009年的经济刺激法案进行的。
- A123 's grant from the department of energy was funded by the 2009 economic-stimulus law .
- 当时低迷的价格还促使一些公司董事会比正常情况授予了更多的期权和股票。
- The depressed prices at the time also prompted some boards to grant larger numbers of options or shares than usual .
- 还有些议员赞同授予美国政府问责局(governmentaccountabilityoffice)审计美联储的权力。
- Others are preparing to grant sweeping audit power over the fed to the government accountability office .
- 这可不是一笔慈善性的捐款。
- This is not a charitable donation .
- 这次的熊猫捐赠是否只是噱头呢?
- Or was the panda donation a gimmick ?
- 人均捐款额为11英镑,较上一年的12英镑有所下降。
- The average donation was 11 , down from 12 the previous year .
- 她跪下来接受父亲对她即将到来的婚事表示赞同的祝福。
- She knelt to receive her father 's blessing which represented a bestowal of consent upon her forthcoming marriage .
- 加布里埃尔告诉我们,这恩赐的终端将在身的形状制成,但我们完全的时间,地点无知,这种冒险的方式达到高潮。
- Gabriel had taught us that this terminal bestowal would be made in the likeness of mortal flesh , but we were wholly ignorant of the time , place , and manner of this culminating adventure .
- 这毕竟是基督麦克的赠与的星球,它将一直是一个璀璨的珍珠,也将被作为一个更高灵性的种子星球而被恢复,就像另外一个被发展的种子星球一样,来为新的灵魂提供经历。
- It is after all the bestowal planet of christ michael and it will be a marvelous jewel all the while also being restored as a seed planet of a higher mind as another seed planet has been developed for providing the experience for new souls .