- 最好的赞美该是言之有物的。
- The best praise is specific .
- 人们表扬你哪方面你做得好?
- What did people praise you on doing ?
- 可是赞扬是必不可少的。
- But praise must be given .
- 就在5年前,时尚技术杂志《连线》会赞美托利党人是联机先锋的想法还很可笑。
- Just five years ago the notion that wired , a trendy technology magazine , would laud the tories as online pioneers would have been fanciful .
- 中文媒体曾经赞扬富士康创造了许多就业机会,但目前该公司已成为批评和秘密调查的对象。
- The chinese press used to laud foxconn for creating jobs , but the firm has become an object of criticism and undercover investigations .
- 两国盛赞它们繁荣的双边贸易,今年将达到600亿美元。
- The two countries laud their booming bilateral trade , which should reach $ 60 billion this year .
- 但是也是在本周,乔治,布什总统介人此事,称赞其兄为保持舒阿佛夫人生命所做出的努力。
- But this week , too , president george bush stepped in to commend his brother 's efforts to keep mrs schiavo alive .
- 不过抛去这些不说,价格调控“应该得到很少的赞扬”。
- But beyond that , price controls have " little to commend them . "
- 科伦威尔喜欢并非常敬佩他的竞争对手凯瑟琳,之后他还赞扬了安妮为自己辩护时的智慧和不屈精神。
- Later cromwell , who liked worthy opponents and had respected katherine , would commend the intelligence and spirit with which anne defended herself .
- 陈所要面临的战争气势咄咄逼人。
- Chan 's war has arrived with a vengeance .
- 老陈一直在为改变它的命运而努力。
- Chan has been trying to change that .
- 像chan这样的检举员每年举报出数千辆冒黑烟的车辆。
- Tailpipe spotters like mr. chan turn in thousands of smoking vehicles a year .