- 公主不懂她的瘊子了。
- Princess do not know her wart .
- 这位导演想让迈克尔凯恩主演他的新片子。
- The director wart to star michael caine in his new film .
- 我想做传染性软疣.
- I think that nature is soft doing infection wart .
- 这个要求,即租金应当移交国家以替代税赋,”马克思阐释道,“是工业资本家对地主心怀憎恶的公开表达,在工业资本家眼里,这些地主似乎毫无用处,只是资产阶级生产主体上的一个赘生物。
- The demand " that rent should be handed over to the state to serve in place of taxes , " marx explained , " is a frank expression of the hatred the industrial capitalist bears towards the landed proprietor , who seems to him a useless thing , an excrescence upon the general body of bourgeois production . "
- 这位身经百战的革命领袖坚持要求对他个人的反清活动进行监督,并称自己绝不会沦为“破坏革命计划的多余人”。
- His face red , the veteran revolutionary who had insisted on quasi-dictatorial control of his own movement against the qing said he was not going to be reduced to ' some kind of holy excrescence while the great plans for the revolution are ruined ' .
- 这座新办公楼很是煞风景。
- The new office block is an excrescence .
- 石雕上雕刻的是野生植物。
- Stonework is peppered with wild vegetation .
- 植被指数反映了这一变化。
- The vegetation index reflects the change .
- 植物的轮廓线在沙漠在最为明显。
- Vegetation lineaments are most evident in the desert .