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equitably 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

The reason the treaty is under strain is that it starts with the water and then tries to divide it equitably .
On the main island of honshu , home to most japanese , the north-east is sharing in the recovery least equitably .
If done equitably , this would require a cut by the us of more than 90 % each american now uses 25 tonnes of carbon a year .
Those who wish the country well hope it can be more than that : a well-run democracy in which opportunity is equitably spread .
Organizations like the united nations and the world bank say the practice , if done equitably , could help feed the growing global population by introducing large-scale commercial farming to places without it .
Governments now face a tricky period when they have to deal with the debt overhang , decide how quickly to cut their deficits ( and risk undermining growth ) , and try to distribute the pain of doing so as equitably as possible .
If mr sumner is right , the role of donors should probably be to work with local governments in middle-income countries to ensure benefits from public spending are equitably distributed to the poorest , wherever they may live .
The benefits may not be as equitably distributed as we would like and rents are rising steeply , but macao now offers so much more opportunity for most people to better themselves and their quality of life .
The solution to global warming is quite simple : we have to increase the economic price of greenhouse-gas emissions equitably , with rich countries paying more and poorer nations paying less , but with all countries paying some price .
They spend less money per pupil than we do but distribute it more efficiently and more equitably .