- 被迫信赖和向滥用那些条约赖以生存的绝对信任的外国官员提供的信息、做出的决定和提出的要求进行国际礼让,对美国利益是一种损害。
- It is dangerous to u. s.interests to be forced to rely on and to grant comity to information decisions and requests made by foreign officials who are abusing the implicit trust that these treaties rely upon .
- 女性倾向于记住地标,而男性则依靠其几何学的技巧来确定方向和距离。
- Women tend to rely on remembering landmarks , whereas men rely on their geometric skills to work out direction and distance .
- 食物网理论的基础是一个这样的设想:温度会影响以其他生物为食的有机体,如:浮游动物,温度会影响它们的新陈代谢;而温度对光合生物,如:浮游植物,则不会有什么影响。
- The food-web theory hinges on the assumption that temperature affects the metabolism of organisms that rely on other creatures for food , like zooplankton , while not having much of an impact on photosynthetic organisms like phytoplankton .
- 穷的单身人士真可怜。
- Pity the poor single people .
- 可怜的罗伯特觉得很厌烦。
- Poor robert got very bored .
- 可怜的安妮只能一动不动。
- Poor anne could not move .