- 在危机余波尚存,防范国际经贸领域的风险逐步成为全球性共同话题之时,对产业保护和产业安全这一具有重大理论及现实意义的课题进行研究成为本文出发点.
- Still put in crisis aftereffect , be on guard when the risk of domain of international classics trade becomes global collective topic stage by stage , the task that to industrial protection and industrial safety this has great theory and real sense undertakes study to become article jumping-off place .
- 本文在运用国际关系学和国际经济学的有关理论的基础上,从政治基础、历史文化和地缘基础、经济互补性以及市场潜力等方面阐明中印经贸合作的基础和条件。
- On the basis of international relation theory and international economy theory , this dissertation analyses the conditions of sino-india economic and trade cooperation from the respects of political basis , history and culture , geopolitics , economic complementarity , market potentiality .
- 在之前的贸易理论中,国际贸易通过企业扩大市场,允许他们通过规模经济效益来提高生产力。
- In the new trade theory that preceded it , international commerce raises the productivity of firms by enlarging their market , allowing them to reap economies of scale .