- 找一些高贵无时效性的名字,比如stephen。
- Something noble and timeless like stephen .
- 那是个高尚体面的工作。
- It was a noble , well-paid job .
- youngfisher是一只高贵的熊,它非常擅长抓鱼。
- Young fisher is a noble bear who is very good at catching fish .
- 这真是耸人听闻,他声称,现在发现的这幅画显示了一个贵族、南安普敦伯爵,与科布家族有一定的联系。
- Sensationally , he claimed the painting showed the earl of southampton , a nobleman linked to the cobbes .
- 他是一个贵族的儿子,我知道他不喜欢我接受别人的礼物。
- As he is a nobleman 's son , I know he wouldn 't like me to accept a gift from anyone .
- 尽管当时的知名度不高,但一个时代里的哲学家在公众记忆里,总是比富有的贵族和政治家,或是舞台上的流行明星、歌手和运动员存活得更为长久。
- Despite being unknown at a time , the philosophers of an era survive longer in collective memory than wealthy nobleman and politicians , or the popular figures of stage , song and stadium .
- 贵族出身的达维格农是前欧盟委员会副主席,同时兼任着好几家公司的董事,但这并不是有人认为他炙手可热的原因。
- He is an aristocrat , a former vice-president of the european commission and a man who has sat on several corporate boards , but that is not why some people consider him too powerful .
- 在欧洲和美国,决定谁是贵族、谁是农民的无疑很残酷的事件,被笼罩在史海的迷雾中。
- In europe and america , the doubtless brutal events that determined who became an aristocrat and who a peasant are shrouded in the fog of history .
- 很快成为弗洛伊德第二任夫人的carolineblackwood1952年的一副肖像,眼睛睁得更圆的贵族兼作家,体现了一种焕然一新的美。
- A 1952 portrait of freud 's soon-to-be second wife caroline blackwood , an even more wide-eyed aristocrat and writer , features a radiant beauty .