- 车子将以更高的价格出租。
- The car will hire out at higher price .
- 大体源自艺妓屋传统的舞女酒吧按小时雇佣妇女作为客人的陪侍。
- Very loosely descended from the geisha house tradition hostess bars hire out women by the hour to act as companions for customers .
- 他们乐于以公道的条件供人暂雇的人员。
- People whom they would be glad to hire out on moderate terms .
- 原谅我,干燥的沙漠,原谅我一勺水也不能马上给你带去。
- Pardon me , deserts , that I don 't rush to you bearing a spoonful of water .
- 因为那个原因,库克,你能原谅这个表达,是一个杰出的执行主管。
- And for that course , cook is , you will pardon the expression , an executive chef extraordinaire .
- 能够原谅曾经伤害过我们的人,会明显有益心理健康。
- There are clear mental health benefits that come with the ability to pardon those who have hurt us .