- 穷的单身人士真可怜。
- Pity the poor single people .
- 可怜的罗伯特觉得很厌烦。
- Poor robert got very bored .
- 可怜的安妮只能一动不动。
- Poor anne could not move .
- 贫穷痛苦生活经典之作!
- A classic of impoverished misery !
- 与混乱相比,他更倾向于贫困的整体。
- He preferred impoverished unity to chaos .
- 索马里是世界上最暴力和贫穷的国家之一。
- Somalia is among the world 's most violent and impoverished countries .
- 研究人员发现,女人们会很快拒绝她们觉得“太自大”或者“太穷”的男人。
- Researchers found women will quickly dismiss a man who they feel is ' too cocky ' or ' too needy ' .
- 最后一个犹太圣诞节的传统义务去工作或帮助贫穷的人,以此希望信奉基督教的邻居们也能享受假期胜过了一切,提炼出了这一季节的本质。
- And one last jewish christmas custom-volunteering to work or help the needy so that christian neighbours can enjoy the holiday-trumps the rest , distilling the essence of the season .
- 这和自私完全相反,慷慨大方也是能够吸引人的,因为那就显示出你不贫穷和富有。
- The complete opposite of being selfish , being generous can be attractive as well because it demonstrates that you are not needy and that you are wealthy .
- 他们都表现得相当谨慎,就好像他们相信:财政上捉襟见肘是救赎之路。
- All are careful to sound as if they believe that fiscal privation is the road to salvation .
- 极端的穷困并没有阻止好几万反叛支持者本周在加沙庆祝哈马斯的建立。
- Extreme privation did not prevent tens of thousands of defiant supporters in gaza this week from celebrating hamas 's founding .
- 考虑到共同经历的战争与贫困,活命主义也许是在几乎所有背景与年龄段的俄罗斯人心中最普遍的思想方法。
- The " survivalist " may be the mentality that is the most widespread among russians of nearly all backgrounds and ages , given the shared experiences of war and privation .